Akiode, who spoke at Orthodontic training organized by
Progressive Orthodontic Seminars of the United States of America in
collaboration with Choice Dental Lagos, said Orthodontics is the treatment that
help move teeth that are crooked or do not fit together properly, adding that
is to create awareness using one of the most advanced
orthodontic tools to provide patients with the highest level of orthodontic
treatment aimed at giving patients the best treatment.
The trainees, dentists, she said would be equipped with
high-tech orthodontic software (IPSoft), lifetime instructor support,
Progressive Orthodontic classes, lifetime free retake, and a library with
hundreds of orthodontic cases and videos.
She said that at the end of the training, participants would
have learnt how to use computerized orthodontics to provide the most effective
and detailed diagnosis and treatment.
“There are several reasons why some people's teeth become
crooked, overlapping, or misaligned. Some jaws are too small for the number of
teeth, which crowd the teeth. In some cases, it is hereditary. Other causes are
ill-fitting dental crowns, fillings and dentures. Early loss of Baby or Adult
teeth with holes instead of saving them by doing Root Canal treatment could
cause the remaining teeth to shift or drift,” she said.
Also in children, she said tongue thrusting, thumb sucking,
pacifier use beyond the age of three, or prolonged use of feeding bottle may be
“With misaligned teeth, keeping teeth clean and chewing
become challenging. Misaligned or crowded teeth may lead to loose teeth (from
loss of bone supporting teeth), gum disease (gingivitis), holes in the teeth,
low confidence in speaking and smiling, and mouth odour. Gum disease can affect
overall general health. It has been linked with Diabetes, Stroke, Heart
disease, Pancreatic cancer and pregnant woman delivering low birth weight
(small) babies,” she added.
She said the trained dentists would be provided with the
most advanced orthodontic tools to provide patients with the highest levels of
orthodontic treatment. Instead of a one size fits all approach used in typical
straight wire appliances, the Progressive Orthodontic customizes your braces
and wire.
She said that since the braces will be specifically made for
each patient, faster and more effective treatments could be expected.
According to Akiode who has been preaching dental care among
Nigerians since she returned from practicing dentistry in Los Angeles,
California, a world-class team of dentists, hygienists, and nurses has been
assembled and are ready and passionate in providing superior dental treatment.
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